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      Welcome to Episode 22 of Building My Legacy!

      In this episode, Nicole Heimann shares her story—going from a thriving career in Belgium, moving to Switzerland as a new mother, and finding her passion as a business consultant and coach.  She has recently completed her work as the biographer for the upcoming documentary on Marshall Goldsmith’s life.  Her quiet authenticity, combined with her strong presence, allows her to influence powerful leaders while also causing them to pause and reflect on how they are leading. 

      So, if you want to know:

      • How Nicole navigated the challenges of developing a career in a country foreign to her
      • Challenges Nicole faced
      • What authentic leadership means
      • How you can use authentic leadership to increase your power, success and happiness.
      • How purpose can often be found in small things, the things that create passion and excitement in our lives.

      …Nicole provides incredible insight.


      In this Podcast we will discuss:

      • How the fear of discovering who we are is fear of our own power
      • How, by knowing your own gifts and talents, you can give them away to others and empower yourself and others
      • How successful leadership impacts and transforms lives
      • How your legacy transforms not only your life but the lives of others
      • The one thing Nicole is grateful for and that has shaped her life.

      About Nicole Heimann:

      In 2003, Nicole founded 5C! Concept GmbH, which was dedicated to personal and organizational development. When the effects of digitalization became apparent in the working world, she changed her coaching focus and, in 2017, transformed her company into Nicole Heimann & Partners AG. Committing herself to a new strategy, her company now focuses on authenticity and leadership alliances at the management level. Together with her team, Nicole has accompanied more than 2,000 executives throughout their careers as an executive coach and corporate trainer. Her clients include international companies with multicultural teams in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the U.S. She has multiple certifications, all of which are recognized by the International Coaching Federation.

      About Lois Sonstegard, PhD

      Working with business leaders for more than 30 years, Lois has learned that successful leaders have a passion to leave a meaningful legacy.  Leaders often ask: When does one begin to think about legacy?  Is there a “best” approach?  Is there a process or steps one should follow?

      Lois is dedicated not only to developing leaders but to helping them build a meaningful legacy. Learn more about how Lois can help your organization with Leadership Consulting and Executive Coaching:

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