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      Managers have a vision – for their company, their employees, and themselves. With executive coaching, that potential can be fully realized.

      Lois Sonstegard and her team have extensive and intensive experience in the field of executive coaching and consulting. Impactful, quality, and solutions-based, they are enthusiastic and passionate about executive leadership and how it can change lives.

      They know that, as managers, you care about the people who work for you. Investing in executive leadership trainings is a step in the right direction. You will build trust and empathy among your team, and boost productivity by maximizing your business ideas and opportunities. Coaching helps you gain insight, building upon your strengths and capabilities, and motivating you to achieve all that you can.

      “Coaching is releasing a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” – Tim Gallwey

      With all its benefits: effecting better interpersonal communication, building self-awareness and enhancing decision-making, boosting productivity, increasing confidence, and achieving higher employee satisfaction, executive coaching with Lois Sonstegard, can only be a win for you and your team.

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